This is a list of my favorite movies and television shows, in no particular order.

The Simpsons The Simpsons TV Show
Family Guy Family Guy TV Show
Star Wars Star Wars series
Star Trek Star Trek series
  • There are too many Star Trek movies and TV shows to list here and I love them all!
Oceans Rising Oceans Rising
Dr Who Dr Who TV Show
Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings series
  • Fellowship of the Ring
  • The Two Towers
  • Return of the King
Stranger Things Stranger Things TV Show
Hunger Games Hunger Games series
  • The Hunger Games
  • Catching Fire
  • Mockingjay
Eragon Eragon
X-Men X-Men Series
  • X-Men
  • X2
  • The Last Stand
  • Origins: Wolverine
  • First Class
  • The Wolverine
  • Days of Future Past
  • Apocalypse
Batman Batman series
  • Batman
  • Batman Returns
  • Batman Forever
  • Batman and Robin
  • Batman Begins
  • The Dark Knight
  • The Dark Knight Rises
Harry Potter Harry Potter series
  • The Sorcerer's Stone
  • The Chamber of Secrets
  • The Prisoner of Azkaban
  • The Goblet of Fire
  • The Order of the Phoenix
  • The Half-Blood Prince
  • The Deathly Hallows
  • Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Hugo Hugo
Almost Angels Almost Angels
2012 2012